Transportation is part of our kinship care value chain. It is one of the services we provide to create value for our families. By considering transportation an essential point of kinship care case management, ASCI has elevated the service so that it purposely contributes to the overall effectiveness of family engagement.
For example, a 20-minute drive to a dental appointment with minimum conversation between the transportation worker, child and caregiver, only fulfills one need: a dental visit. No direct value to family engagement is achieved. However, when the transportation worker asks the child and caregiver about their day, provides follow-up on a home visit and reviews paperwork, the transportation is elevated to an engagement. The experience provides the family and the agency lots of “value-add.” It moves us from “separate from the triad” to “together in engagement.”
Because we view transportation as part of case management, each family engagement works coherently and speaks one language: a value for family. It’s the delivery of not only the primary service of case management, but also of supplementary services that become part of the full service.
ASCI averages 2,300 weekly transports, which cover transportation needs such as:
- Supervised visits
- Court hearings
- Pick-up/drop-off to school
- Doctor’s appointments
- And more